1955 UD group picture. Submitted by Eddie Hsu ’56 forwarded to him by Bishnu Das Pradhan ’55
1955 UD basketball team during a holiday. Photo submitted by Eddie Hsu

Top row L-R T.K.Leong, P. Whitley, K.S.Leong, W. Whittakerr, George Hla Bu, T.C.Leong, Madhav Shumshere, David Latimer, Sonam Kyibuk, Farid Khan-Panni
Bottom row L-R?, Thomas Ba U, Karma Tsering, Patrick Hta Wa,, Wai Chee Leong, Glyn Culpeper Eddie Hsu, Phaiboon Linevat
Front row with ball – Netra Shumshere, basketball referee